
I've been working on the riverlands civil war. This is it so far

Shortly before the proclamation was made, Tommis the Tolerant’s religiously fundimentalist bastard Humfrey Rivers was legitimised against his own wishes. Before the king made his proclamation, he knew that it would be hugely controversial, and expected Lord Tommis of House Tully to oppose it, and possibly call his banners. In addition, despite only being in his 40’s, Lord Tommis was known to be rather ill. His eldest son Tristifer Tully had wed Teilyr Blackwood, and had converted to the old gods, and taken up residence in the castle of his in laws due to the lack of a Weirwood in Riverrun. The king was worried that should Tommis die of his failing health, then Tristifer Tully would be able to unite the banners of the riverlands against him, and against the already predicted opposition from the north, he would need a backup to cut them off. Humfrey’s mother was a whore. She was also a religious fundimentalist. When she became pregnant, it was her last week as a prostitute. She

Published Draft